With the desire to contribute for the health sector of Vietnam to have access to the development of world science, the application of science and technology in the protection, health care in Vietnam and build a foundation of smart health in prevention, health care and medical examination and treatment, DCL has sponsored the 2019 Science and Technology Workshop at An Giang Central General Hospital.
On November 22, Cuu Long Pharmaceutical accompanied An Giang Central General Hospital to hold a Science and Technology conference in 2019. The conference is a place to exchange new knowledge in the field of health, approach and integration with the development of world science, and at the same time honoring doctors who have made great contributions to the teaching, training and guiding for young doctors in scientific research.
At the conference, professors and doctors exchanged experiences and shared the results of the new scientific research in order to improve the quality of care and protection of people’s health. The conference brought many new developments in medical examination and treatment activities for people. In the near future, the health sector needs to focus on the innovative activities, scientific and technological research activities, in order to apply in medical examination and treatment.
Since becoming a member of FIT Group, receiving the strategic investment of the parent company, Cuu Long Pharmaceutical has been constantly researching and improving product quality, offering good product lines to support and protect. Community health and has become a prestigious name in the pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam. In addition to the development of production and business, Cuu Long Pharmaceutical always promotes social and community responsibility through participation in scientific sponsorship activities in health care or in medical examination and treatment programs. Free for the poor to improve the lives of Vietnamese people.
Currently, after the process of restructuring and investing heavily in potential projects, Cuu Long Pharmaceutical is gradually building a solid foundation, laying the foundation for a mission to become a prestigious pharmaceutical company, high appreciate by patients, staff and partners.